What is Anukampa Training?

Anukampa is the profound Buddhist word for the ‘care’ motivating both ordinary and spiritual caregiving. It is the sentiment which inspired the Buddha to teach. In Buddhist practice, it is a form of spiritual care that can be directed to oneself and to others. Anukampa is expressed in each of the four Brahmaviharas or ‘sublime attitudes’ of loving-kindness (metta), sympathetic joy (mudita), compassion (karuna), and equanimity (upekkha). It has its fulfillment in the heart’s full liberation.

The Sati Center’s Anukampa Practice is an 11-month program introducing foundational values of empathy and caregiving as taught in Buddhism. These can be applied directly in our lives: towards ourselves, our friends and family, and people we encounter on a daily basis.

Central to Anukampa Practice will be a study of ten core human needs or values to which the practice of spiritual care chaplaincy is often organized. These will be practiced in conjunction with the Brahmaviharas and the ten Perfections, or Paramis, that give strength, resiliency, and wisdom to our practice and care-giving efforts. We will consider these as follows:

September Liberation
October Meaning
November Autonomy
December Agency
January Identity
February Dignity
March Community
April Kinship
May Healing
June Reconciliation
July Service


Components of the Practice Program

The Anukampa Practice program has a flexible structure that allows varying levels of participation, according to individual schedules. We recommend participating in all of the components to maximize benefit, but if this is not possible for some, the core segment of the program will be the monthly classes on Zoom.

  1. One Monday or Friday morning class each month on Zoom (9:00am – 12:15pm)
  2. An optional one-hour Q & A session with one of the faculty once a month.
  3. Participants will be assigned an optional Reading/Writing Buddy to meet with monthly.
  4. Participants will also be assigned an optional small group of 4-5 other program participants to meet with monthly through the course of the training.
  5. Monthly 1-2 page written reflections can be submitted to faculty, and can be read by Reading/Writing Buddy. Note: these are personal assignments and faculty feedback cannot be given.
  6. Each month, students will be invited to engage the monthly parami and spiritual theme as a framework for reflecting on their own lives.
  7. 2-4 articles related to the themes of each month will also be offered.
  8. Completion of written assignments and 90% Zoom attendance will qualify participants for a Certificate of Completion of this program.

What is the difference between Anukampa Practice and Buddhist Chaplaincy Training?

The Sati Center’s Buddhist Chaplaincy Training is a reflective and immersive learning experience for those wishing to deepen and broaden their practice through service and spiritual care, grounded in Buddhist teaching.Included in this learning is the practice of different chaplaincy skills, a developing intimacy with one’s own process of spiritual formation, and a growing awareness of one’s own conditioning and biases.

BCT is especially relevant for those who are interested in, or are already doing volunteering or spiritual care work. The outcomes offered by this program are equally applicable to those wishing to expand their leadership / facilitative skills, and who would like to be actively providing spiritual care within their communities. 

The Chaplaincy program requires that participants are working 10 hours a month in a service position while training. There are two half-day workshops per month and more between-workshop assignments of a postgraduate nature. The cohort is small and intimate,, with a focus on community and interpersonal learning. Participants also engage in 1:1 mentoring with faculty.

Anukampa Practice is a personal practice program centered around an introduction to the values of caregiving and our individual spiritual needs, as listed on this page. It is based on the relational aspects of Dharma teachings. It can be particularly valuable to people in private or familial caregiving positions.

The Anukampa program can be taken standalone, or also as an initial exploration and discernment for Sati Center’s Buddhist Chaplaincy Training. The program’s structure is flexible (see the section below) and allows for varying levels of participation. 


Class dates (9:00am – 12:15pm Pacific Time):

  • Monday, September 30th
  • Friday, November 1st
  • Monday, December 2nd
  • Monday, January 13th
  • Friday, February 14th & Saturday, February 15th (online mid-year retreat)
  • Monday, March 10th
  • Monday, April 7th
  • Monday, April 28th
  • Monday, May 26th
  • Monday, June 16th
  • Monday, July 7th

Optional Extra Sessions (10:00am – 11:00am Pacific Time)

  • Saturday, September 21st (Opening session) – Vanessa & Gil
  • Thursday, October 17th – Vanessa
  • Thursday, November 14th – Gil
  • Thursday, December 19th – Gil
  • Thursday, January 30th – Vanessa
  • Thursday, February 27th – Gil
  • Thursday, March 27th – Gil
  • Thursday, April 17th – Gil
  • Thursday, May 15th – Vanessa
  • Thursday, June 12th – Vanessa
  • Thursday, July 10th (Closing session) – Vanessa & Gil


Gil Fronsdal, PhD

Gil Fronsdal is the senior guiding co-teacher at the Insight Meditation Center (IMC) in Redwood City, California, the Insight Retreat Center in Santa Cruz, California, as well as the AudioDharma website and podcast. He started Buddhist practice in 1975, and has been teaching for IMC since 1990. Gil is an authorized teacher in two traditions: the Insight Meditation lineage of Theravada Buddhism of Southeast Asia, and Japanese Soto Zen. He holds a Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies from Stanford. He is the translator and author of multiple books, including the Dhammapada and The Buddha Before Buddhism: Wisdom from the Early Teachings.

Vanessa Able

Koji Vanessa Able is a Soto Zen priest and practice facilitator. She is a teacher for the online Introduction to Buddhist Chaplaincy Program at the Sati Center. Vanessa completed her Chaplaincy training at Stanford Healthcare, where she continues to serve as a member of the hospital’s Professional Advisory Group. Vanessa has also served in hospice and jail and is an active member of the European Buddhist Union Chaplaincy Network. She is based in southern France from where she publishes the website and podcast, The Dewdrop.

Tuition Options

The course is offered on a sliding scale:

Please consider offering generously within your means.

The tuition payments may also be made in 6 monthly installments.

A limited number of scholarships are available. If you would like to apply, please complete an application.

Canadian students should use PayPal for payments.